Fill the Boot for the MDA!

Christian had a great time visiting the fire station in 2003.

On July 23rd I was blessed to have my opinion piece published in the Great Falls Tribune. Source Fill the boot for MDA was taking place and I wanted to help in any way I could.  Many people may not realize that the national telethon has been discontinued.  When I first heard this I was devastated.  Source  One of the first things I asked myself was how are we going to find a cure and help these kids keep going to clinics and summer camp?  More people are donating funds via social media (think Ice Bucket Challenge) and perhaps this avenue will be less expensive than airing it on television.  All I knew was I wanted to get something out there to encourage people to donate.  Click on the above link to read my article in the Great Falls Tribune.  We need to spread the word about the MDA – what they stand for, who they help, why these kiddos need help and how people can continue to support them.

Leaving for Summer Camp_0741
The boys getting ready to board the bus for MDA camp in 2004.

Over the years, as funds have dwindled and costs have increased, finding camp counselors has also become a challenge.  It is not unheard of for counselors to arrive at the MDA camp from other states.  Christian made friends with a young man from Chicago one year.  He also made a friend for life, Ryan Clinch, who was his counselor for several years and was also a counselor for Drew a couple of times.

I hope you enjoy my article and if you see a MDA Fill the Boot event near you, please spread the word and help out if you can.  Our boys look forward to attending camp every summer and the generous donations of so many loving, caring people make it possible!

Ryan Clinch and Drew in 2003.
Ryan Clinch and Drew in 2003.